The project is initially raised by the Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB) and is developed jointly with the Institució Catalana d’Història Natural (ICHN), both subsidiaries of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), jointly with the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the National Centre for Genomic Analysis (CNAG).
It currently serves as the umbrella for a wide network of expertise that extends throughout the territory and involves the collaboration of institutions, institutes and research centres, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, societies and expert entities in the knowledge and study of species, as well as powerful technological infrastructures for genomic sequencing and computing.
Therefore, the CBP is a collaborative project that has the support and direct participation of more than 20 centres throughout the Catalan-speaking territory, including Catalonia, the Valencian Country, the Balearic Islands, Andorra and Banyuls-sur-Mer (France).
List of collaborating centres
Andorra Recerca + Innovació
Arborètum Dr. Pius Quer i Font
Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC)
Centre Nacional d’Anàlisi Genòmica, Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CNAG-CRG)
Centre Nacional de Supercomputació (BSC)
Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals
Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural
Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Institució Catalana d’Història Natural (ICHN)
Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF)
Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, Universitat de València
Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC)
Institut d’Ecologia Aquàtica (Universitat de Girona)
Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)
Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat de la Universitat de Barcelona (IRBio)
Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats (CSIC, UIB)
Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA)
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers
Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Laboratoire Arago)
Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB)
CBP is a project affiliated with the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), an international network of networks that aims to characterize, catalogue, and sequence the genomes of all Earth’s eukaryotic species.
CBP is also a project associated with the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA), a European initiative to create an atlas of Europe’s biodiversity genome. We work in close coordination and collaboration with ERGA-ES (ERGA-Spain), ERGA-FR (ERGA-France) and especially with ERGA-Andorra.
Working groups
CBP activity is presented and discussed at monthly meetings of all members and is structured into three working groups (WGs):
WG 1
Funding and outreach
WG 2
Sampling and storage
WG 3
Sequencing, assembly and analysis
Steering commitee
- Miquel Angel Arnedo (IRBio, UB)
- Jordina Belmonte (ICTA, UAB, ICHN)
- Montserrat Corominas (UB, SCB, IEC) – Chair
- Hèctor Escrivà (Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls)
- Toni Gabaldón (BSC-CNS, IRB)
- Teresa Garnatje (IBB, CSIC)
- Josep Germain (ICHN)
- Roderic Guigó (CRG, UPF, IEC)
- Mónica Bayés (CNAG)
- Tomàs Marquès Bonet (IBE, CSIC, UPF) – Co-chair
- Rosa Fernàndez (IBE, CSIC, UPF)
- Manel Niell (ARI, Andorra)
- Ferran Palero (ICBIBE, UV)
- Joan Pons (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB)
- Pere Puigdomènech (CRAG, IEC)